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How Bad Can a Bad Day Get? Filmmaker Phil Dale Has the Answer.

The Census Taker peersTaking a leaf from the iTunes book, filmmaker Phil Dale is to self distribute his award winning short film The Census Taker for download to the growing army of content hungry iPod and PSP owners.

The Census Taker gateEvery Revolution has a rallying cry, and for small independent filmmakers the world over, that cry is being shouted loud; Digital Distribution. Phil Dale is one such filmmaker knocking on the castle door and asking for their share of the pie.

“I think it's an exciting time to be a film maker.” says Dale. “With the arrival of Apples video iPod, Sony's PSP, and a host of other portable video devices I believe there is a growing market for quality crafted short films.” Dale continues “2006 could be a watershed year for digital film distribution, especially for short films.”

The filmmaker began his screen career in 1992 as a stop motion animator, and has worked for many of the top production companies around the world. Just last year Phil was lead animator on Tim Burton's Academy Award Nominated Corpse Bride. Phil is represented as a Director in the UK and US by Slinky Pictures Ltd. He is currently in pre-production on more short films.

Phil Dale, 34, lives in London but came up with the story for his short film 'The Census Taker' while working as an animator on a big Hollywood feature in San Fransisco. “I remember feeling a little home sick at the time, I'd had a bad day in the studio, so writing a story set in the English countryside was a good distraction.”

When Dale returned to the UK he set about producing and directing his self-financed short film on location in the stunning Welsh countryside. “I made the film for the festival circuit originally.” explains Dale “But in the time it took me to complete the film, new and exciting opportunities have opened up. The Internet and mobile technology has transformed the way short films are made, distributed and consumed.”

The Census Taker has been well received on the festival circuit, but Dale now wants to bring it to a larger worldwide audience. “Love it or loath it, the digital revolution is shaking things up. You have to be clued up about so much more, the goal posts are constantly moving.”

“In a way, film-making is now akin to being a baker. You mix your script, cast and crew together, put them into the production oven, and now thanks to the Internet, we have a shop window in which to sell our tasty bite sized films direct to the world.” Dale adds “I'm really optimistic about the possibilities this new form of distribution opens up to filmmakers like myself, which is why I have decide to take the leap into this new world of self distribution.”

So, How bad can a bad day get? To find out, pop along to and buy a copy of The Census Taker for just pence. In your own small way, you'll be directly helping an independent film-maker produce new work.