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New Directions For Media Grads Publishes


Media Directions - Dedicated to New TalentStranded on that no-man's land between graduation and a media career?

So was Engish Television and Film graduate Sabrina Ferro, but no more.

Instead she's launched a high quality glossy mag aimed at people like herself and at those on the lookout for rising talent. Media Directions, as the director's chair on the front cover exclaims, is dedicated to showcasing new talent.


Sabrina Ferro - An editor leading the assault on media employment opportunity for new talentThis really is a high-end publication that will not look out of place in media company reception zones, as a demonstration of their support for new talent, though perhaps without demanding any real commitment. Here, it is sure to be read by recently graduated media types looking for a break into employment.

"We have edited the magazine from the point of view of us, the graduates and and those starting out in the industry"

Alternatively, graduates looking for inspiration and opportunity could subscribe for a quarterly issue, costing all of two pounds, presumably subsidised by the glossy ads from blue chip media companies which have chosen to support this inaugural issue.

So what kind of bang do media hopefuls get for two Britbucks-worth of their Jobseeker's Allowance? Enough to make it a worthwhile investment, certainly.

It's bright and cheerful with good graphics and a high standard of photography, but it is content that is really the clincher. In this case substance matches style with thought-provoking articles and features, as well as good basic info. It is the sort of mag that will keep you informed and entertained, but could also give you a promotion platform if you are one of the authors or subjects of the stories within.

This inaugural issue has four sections: Technology and the Industry Today; Working Log subtitled as a showcase of the filmmakers of tomorrow; A Step in the Media Door and finally, The Industry Communicating.

"Let's keep young production companies and freelancers centre stage, because they are the filmmakers of tomorrow"

In Technology and Industry, major supporters Sony sponsor a feature on their HDW-750P camera, BBC Engineering recruiter John Meredith brings us in on selection and recruitment processes, as well as where to apply and Stuart Murray of Candela Media recruitment spells out the skills needed for those within today's tech-dependent modern media.

Working Log showcases HND student John Dencer with a project aimed at capturing and delivering the spirit of motor racing, the bit that's not really picked on up by the glamour-and-results dependent F1 TV shows, which miss out on the dedication and determination of the skilled technicians in the pits and race car development centres.

In The Dark Productions showcase their film on the virgin trade about the  exploitation of  young Thai women in a six billion dollar industry. Steve Rainbow, who graduated from artist to filmmaker, sets up a pitch for his latest feature project, Death Duty, a low budget black comedy supported through development by Screen West Midlands now financing. A revealing feature by MSc Engineering Electronics undergraduate Rowan de Pomerai exposes the work of the National Student Television Association and incidentally, her own not inconsiderable role as a producer for York Student Television.

A Step in the Media Door has a Q&A with Cameron Roach lightly grilled on the couch by Sai-Leya Santana about his recent experiences with Footballers' Wives - the drama productions that is, not anything else. There's also a helpful insider tips feature on gaining TV industry employment and contribute a feature on the TV entry path they offer to new starters striking out for the first time.

"Standing out from the crowd is becoming increasingly difficult every day!"

So all in all, quite a lot to get newly graduated teeth into, with enough depth and substance to keep recently capped brains fully engaged. We extend a warm Netribution welcome to this media publication world to Sabrina Ferro and her eight-strong team at Media Directions. A formidable entry that should impact upon the rest of us media beavers as well as on those who are the gatekeepers to regular employment for today's well-qualified and often work-experienced media graduates, who simply have not yet managed to land regular paid regular work in this ultra-competitive industry.

It also is a stimulating read for those already secure, who need to remember just how tough it is out there, as well as a place where they might find just the right person for an upcoming company role.

The mag is also clearly not London-centric, like the media industry of today, in fact, though there is still an unhealthy concentration of film and broadcasting on the capital, which is why the rest of the country often feels alienated from the centres of media power. This is a publication rooted in middle England, in Kenilworth, Warwickshire.

Sabrina Ferro's magazine is a useful weapon for today's graduates campaigning their way into the media industries. E Ferro Ferrum Temperatum - out of iron comes forth steel. And it does no harm to do some sabre-rattling on the front line, to remind people that you are armed and out there, awaiting engagement.

Let battle commence! Lead on Sabrina and they'll follow your lead.