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film by Neil Oseman | october 13th 2000 | contact:

Soul Searcher

SOUL SEARCHER (Neil Oseman, 2000)
Fear the Reaper....
Shot on Mini-DV in Malvern, Worcestershire, by local filmmaker Neil Oseman, "Soul Searcher" is a 15 minute roller-coaster ride that takes the viewer from tragedy through comedy to all-out action.
Paris is a low life. The highlight of his day is going to his local to flirt with Heather, the barmaid, even though she knows he doesn’t even have the money to buy a drink. But today is different. Today a gang of teenaged robbers are holding up The Prince Of Wales. And after taking a fatal bullet for Heather, Paris is trained to become the new Grim Reaper. His death will never be the same again...
Lead actor Si Dovey enjoyed the opportunity to don spook-spotting shades and a black trench coat to fight the walking dead. "The film has a lot of references to 'The Matrix' and 'Men In Black'," Si says. "The special effects are really impressive."
The film had no budget, but was post-produced on state of the art digital equipment, courtesy of director Neil’s personal facilities house, The Kitchen. A wealth of local talent was drawn upon, including pyrotechnics expert Chris Jenkins and action vehicles co-ordinator David Abbott. Music was provided by Malvern punk band King Monkey.
The movie premiered at Hereford’s Catcher Media screening in August, where it was extremely well received. It has been submitted to various regional and national festivals, including the BBC Drama Award.
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Neil Oseman is a freelance filmmaker based in Hereford. He is primarily a cameraman and editor, with considerable experience in digital video. He has had work screened in the House of Parliament and the Millennium Dome, and was recently Second Unit Camera Operator on "Farmer Whiplash", a documentary for broadcast on ITV this autumn.
Contact him on 01432 376933 or e-mail
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