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film by Jeremy Corner | march 16th, 2001 | contact:

At First Sight

At First Sight by Jeremy Corner
10 minutes
Shot on DV

A contemporary romantic comedy drama about stolen mobile phones. Self financed by the filmmaker and made with friends, including Lars Arentz-Hansen who played 'Bugs' opposite Leonardo di Caprio in The Beach. Jeremy Corner's short won the Lighthouse Post-Production Bursary in the UK, which included two
free weeks off and on-line editing on Lighthouse's AVID kit.

Ben (Mark Dymond) and Sarah's (Nicola Barber) paths cross and it's love at first sight. When she puts his
sincerity to the test, by insisting he call her that afternoon at three o'clock, he stores her number in his mobile. No problem... until his cell phone is stolen by the rudest thief (Lars Arentz-Hansen) in town.

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