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industry buzz by holly martin | from Vienna | contact:

Borgars Gets Busy
On Friday the FC's Development Fund announced its second raft of single film projects with a total investment of UKP202,000.
The second belt of funding from the three-year budget of UKP15m are the following:

Grand Ambition
A haunting love story set in 1920s America; Grand Ambition is based on the true events of a young couple attempting to run the rapids of the Grand Canyon in a homemade boat. It is the powerful tale of a young woman's determination to escape her small-town life, whatever the consequences. Produced by Diana Phillips of Abel Ferarra's Bad Leutenant fame and Robert Fox who produced Iris, the film is adapted by Nicholas Rohl from Lisa Michael's debut novel of the same name. The Development Fund investment secured Fox Philips' option on the project against tough competition.

In Every Dream Home
A thriller exploring what happens when three Harvard students are kidnapped and held to ransom, and how their wealthy families react as events unfold. The film is being produced by Xavier Marchand, Debbie Balderstone and Jane Moore at Haystack Productions and written by William Morrissey.

L'Amour Fou
The House of Mirth's Jodhi May is writing this screenplay set in London. The film is the story of Juliet, a shy and withdrawn medical student, whose life changes when she falls in love with the charismatic Mathew, but mysteries of her past are reopened with the arrival of Olly.

One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night
Based on Christopher Brookmyre's novel and written by Julian Simpson, this movie is produced by Douglas Henshall and Miranda Robinson for Deep Blue River Films. The film tells the story of a group of thirty-something Glaswegians who attend a school reunion hosted by the most unpopular boy of their class. The host is showing off his new business venture - a holiday resort located on an oilrig off the coast of Scotland. 'Free' and 'booze' are the two words on the invite that finally entice the class to gather on the oilrig. When a band of mercenaries believe the weekend is a gathering of millionaire investors - a siege prevails.

Revolving Doors
Written by Peter Jukes, produced by Paul Arnott and directed by Martha Fiennes, this is the story of a tough, highly-trained Secret Service undercover agent whose professionalism and emotions are put to the test when he falls for a high-class prostitute - only to discover she is his next target for elimination.

The Rose Grower
Based on Michelle de Kretser's first novel with the screenplay written by Leigh Jackson about private versus political passions set in a rural community during the French Revolution. A radical young doctor falls in love with the daughter of a fallen aristocrat and is forced to make a devastating choice between reason and desire. Judy Counihan and Lila Rawlings produce the film through their company Pearl Pictures

The Third Day
In a world where Reality TV rules, unemployed actor Cameron Beckley sells a third of his life to the government. Every third day, he goes into a state of unconsciousness, controlled by a government agent, waking up unable to remember any of his actions. One day, he comes to a hospital, facing police charges for murder, and finds the agent responsible for his actions has gone missing. Sheryl Crown of Rubicon Pictures produces this sci-fi thriller to be written by Debbie Moon.

When teen pop idol Mandy Longford goes missing on the eve of a crucial awards ceremony, her family and hangers-on are forced to confront some long hidden skeletons from the past. To be produced by Sam Taylor and written by John Stanley who has previously written for television and the theatre and is currently working on other screenplays.

Salsa Con Fusion
Science and salsa collide in this madcap comedy, where eccentric Australian genius Umbil wins the chance to fulfil his dreams and come to England to meet salsa sensation Chucho Venezuela. Salsa Con Fusion will be writer/director Jonathan Newman's second feature. This project is a Dan Films production and will be produced by Jason Newmark and Julie Baines.

Ultramaroon deals with stories of desire and existential angst on the streets of Cardiff; a contemporary confessional about what we want, who we want it with, and why. The film is to be co-written by Phil John writer/director of the highly acclaimed short Suckerfish (from which Ultramaroon has been developed) with author Sian Hughes.

Blood Relative
Recently released from a psychiatric hospital in Edinburgh, Rebecca is afraid she's being followed. She is, but by someone who's trying to warn her of a far darker danger closer to home. The film will be written by Fiona Watson and produced by Catherine Aitken, Ros Borland of Gabriel Films and Nigel Harper of Caspian Productions.

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