Reuters Reports Filmmaker Jailed In China

Free Hao Wu CampaignReuters News Agency is now reporting that Chinese police have detained Chinese-born film maker Hao Wu,a permanent U.S. resident, a family member said on Monday, weeks before President Hu Jintao visits the United States and one week after Netribution broke the news.

Hao Wu, who returned to China in 2004 after living in the United States for 12 years, had been missing since February 22 after interviewing human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, while making a documentary about an underground Christian congregation, his sister, Wu Na, said.

An officer at the Beijing Public Security Bureau confirmed Wu's detention last week, but declined to give a reason or say where he was being held, she said.

No formal charges have been laid, although Wu's sister believed the detention might be related to his contact with Gao, who has been suspended from practicing law, or possibly to outspoken comments on his personal Web log.

 A campaign has been launched by Reporters Without Frontiers and other to try to secure Hao Wu. Further details on the previous Netribution story found here: