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by james macgregor | November 16th, 2001 | contact:

ALT:W - New Digital Media Fund

For those living in Scotland with a brilliant, innovative, experimental, off the wall design idea for something that would play well on the web, ALT:W, a new digital media fund, could offer you the chance to prove it.

Allan Wilson Deputy Minister for Sports Arts & Culture officially launched the new scheme at Dundee Contemporary.

ALT:W is an initiative set up to support Scotland's new media development and promote creative entrepreneurial talent and innovative digital productions, which can be accessed via the web. It is open to anyone with a truly original idea.

Artists exploring new media fields, students, (though not if it part of their examination coursework) musicians, film and video makers, games and programme developers, the new fund is open to everyone.

Anything goes so long as all or part of it can be distributed through the web. Projects, which are experimental and interactive, will be strongly encouraged even if the average web user cannot download them in their entirety. Help will be given to edit such marvels into packages suitable for showcasing on the new ALT:W website.


Applications will be judged on originality and quality and applicants must show that they can successfully manage a project. Production grants of up to £2,000 are on offer and discretionary grants for research and development of up to £500 may be awarded if the project requires it. Projects can be at any stage of development.

ALT:W has been funded and developed by a partnership made up of Scottish Screen, Dundee City Council, Scottish Enterprise Tayside, Dundee College, University of Abertay and the School of Television and Imaging at the University of Dundee. Partner Universities and Colleges will provide resources for successful applicants as well as offering some mentoring and training support.

Joyce Matthew, company development manager at Scottish Enterprise Tayside, speaking on behalf of the partners said, "This is an exciting new initiative which can play a big part in encouraging more people from across Scotland to come up with digital applications.


"The digital media sector in Tayside is full of dynamic young talent and we believe ALT:W will help foster even more creativity and innovation to inspire the next generation of companies."

So if that brilliant moving image is buzzing around in your brain get the gist of it down on paper then download an application from the ALT :W site on

For further information or any queries please contact:

Pernille Spence, Alt:w Co-ordinator

Tel 01382 432250


Deadline for Applications: Friday, 21st December 2001

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