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Terms & Conditions

To activate your membership you need to agree to the following conditions of membership (which are also the terms of using the site). Please read these carefully and post in our forums if anything is unclear.

Your commitment


not to publish or promote violent, prejudicial or destructive ideas
for example racist, anti-religious, sexist or violent ideology. This includes not 'flaming' (verbally insulting) other members in the forums or in messages to them.


to ensure that all the info you provide is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge
this includes the information you provide at sign up, as well as content you produce for - or publish on - the site


to not publish sexually degrading or exploitative material
including pornography (ie materials intended for sexual gratification) or work which cheapens human sexuality.


to ensure you own the rights to any materials you publish, or agree the rights with the owner before publishing
and to provide accurate credits where you include quotes or exerts from other rights owners under standard fair use terms.



not to exploit Netribution features to dishonestly promote personal projects, or slander other members
for example by using ratings, rankings, comments or any other device to stimulate your profile, or by publishing reviews/articles/etc under a pseudonym that either promote your project, or attack competing projects.

If you fail to abide by these terms of service, Netribution may suspend or cancel your membership - in which case you would be notified and have the opportunity to appeal.

Our commitment


to produce, manage and update a website for you to use for personal information, expression and representation
loss of service, server downtime, system bugs are inevitable, but we'll do our best to keep them to a minimum.


to launch new services and features in response to member demand, and to develop these in consultation with members as resources allow.
we can't do everything but this is your website ultimately.


to keep your personal details confidential and to not publish or distribute any information you have not given permission for us to publish or distribute.
the only time this could ever happen is if we have a system failure or hacker attack, but we will work tirelessly to ensure this never happens, and remedy any errors as soon as possible if it does happen


to be open and honest about our plans and management, and keep you well informed of changes and developments
except when we need to protect details about planned new products for competitive reasons.


to be as impartial, fair, representative and honest as possible in our editorial and presentation of member's information.
This includes us not using the site to promote our personal creative projects or opinions through any different means than those available to all members.


Unless otherwise specified, materials published on Netribution appear under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License. If you upload content to Netribution, while the copyright remains yours, other people may use the content for non-profit uses. If this confuses or concerns you please discus in the forums.

Creative Commons License

Legal stuff

Netribution cannot accept any liability for any content and you acknowledge that Netribution cannot be liable. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or legitimacy of any of the content that appears on this site.

Netribution is operated on an 'as is' basis without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. Neither Netribution nor anyone else involved in creating, producing or delivering Netribution should be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of the service or inability to use the service in breach of any warranty. Nothing in these Terms limits Netribution's liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or any other liability which may not by law be excluded.

This website is operated in the United Kingdom by Netribution Ltd. These terms and your use of the website and the service are governed by English Law and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

As a member we reserve the right to email you occasionally for what we'd consider vital updates / notices. This is separate from any newsletters you decide to subscribe to.

You may unsubscribe and ask us to delete some or all of your associated member records at any time.

Any changes to these terms and conditions will be posted on your member admin home page.